Mufti Menk Quotes 2020

- Social media fatigue is real. It affects people in more ways than you can imagine. Is your smartphone the first thing you look for when you wake? Are you spending time on too many social media sites engaging your followers and interacting with them on everything under the sun?

- When the Almighty closes your door, none can open it besides Him. And when he opens your door, none can close it besides Him. His timing is always perfect. Don't underestimate His Power, Wisdom & Mercy. Turn to Him at all times. Good & bad. Trust Him for He knows best!

- Don’t allow anything to break you. Things can test you as they often do. But no matter how hard you fall, get back up & start over. That’s the mark of an achiever. Giving up is not an option. No amount of pressure can stop the energy within. You’re resilient. You’re worth it!

- We are all on separate journeys but heading towards the same  destination! We just need to stay in our own lanes. Trust in yourself, trust that you are doing the best you can, no matter what life throws at you. Always believe that the Almighty wants the best for you! Keep going!

- Don’t get arrogant and think that you did it all on your own. Nothing can be achieved without the Almighty’s Will. Remember, it’s not your talent but His Mercy. It’s not your hard work but His Blessing. It’s not your knowledge but His Wisdom. So be humble and thank Him profusely!

- We need to stop complaining about what goes on in our lives. Every storm was designed to make us stronger, because all things that come from the Almighty always work together for our good.There are others who are struggling way more than we could ever imagine. Pray for them!

- Satan will cause you grief & stress. When you keep having negative thoughts of pain & sorrow, he will worsen your condition. So get a perspective on life. Remember, this world is a mix of ease & hardship, joy & sorrow, hope & pain. Do your best to adopt a positive mindest !

- Don't think marriage is what you see in pictures on Instagram. It's hard work, a lot of sacrifice as well as give & take.Prepare to commit!
- Satan always wants to make you feel depressed and defeated. Quit feeling that way. Pick yourself up. Turn to the Almighty and walk in His Path.
- Your life isn’t just about you. The Almighty created you for a purpose. Use whatever He has blessed you with to impact the world & those around you. Don’t be selfish. Help as much as you can. Spread goodness & kindness. We have a limited time on earth. Use it productively!

- When you want to give advice, do so in such a way that people would want to listen to you. Don’t be mean and hurtful. Don’t use harsh words. Don’t put people down. Be genuine and nurturing in wanting to correct them, mend their ways and help them get back on track.

- Heartaches & pain are real. Don’t take them lightly. Unfortunately most would seek other people in trying to find comfort. The truth is the only One who can heal you is the Almighty. Ask for strength, comfort, healing, & perseverance. He will show you all that & more. Trust Him

- Take charge of your life. Focus on the positives & don’t dwell on the negatives. Satan will steer you towards worldly matters, cloud your mind & take you away from the Almighty. Stay firmly rooted to your faith. Stay vigilant. Embrace your own strength & know your self-worth.

- If you’re feeling that life is unfair & people are treating you badly, remember, the Almighty knows the truth. Let people think what they will; you can’t control them. But the Lord of the Worlds is always in full control. Do your best & let Him fight the rest of your battles!
- Worrying about what happened yesterday won’t change anything. Learn from it. Move on. Worrying about tomorrow is also futile because we don’t know what it holds. Take it one step at a time, one day at a time. Trust His Plans & don’t let worry rob you of life’s precious moments!

- Jealousy is toxic to the soul. It can ruin you from the inside out. You can remove it by loving yourself & who you are. You need to accept, be grateful & be satisfied with what the Almighty has chosen for you. He has given you so much. Don’t look at the blessings of others!

- Your time is the most valuable gift you can give to your family. Money comes & goes but the memories will stay far beyond all that. The strong bond you develop will last a long while. Start giving the gift of time before it’s too late. Don’t put it off because life’s too short!

- Why are you being tested again & again; one hardship after another while others have it so easy? Until you’re broken, you don't truly know your inner strength. Embrace what happens & use it to build yourself all over again, but this time, stronger than ever! The Almighty knows!

- Don’t curse the hardship you’re facing. Every trial has a silver lining; a blessing in disguise. Learn to bear good patience. Let the situation unfold. Do your best and let the Almighty do the rest. You’ll emerge stronger and better prepared to face whatever He sends your way.
- Admit your mistakes. It’s a good trait to have and it gains respect from the ones around you because it shows both humility and your willingness to learn. Remember, it’s easy to claim responsibility when things go well, but it’s hard when they don’t. Don’t look for scapegoats!

- Don’t engage friends who speak ill of their spouses to you. No matter how close you are to them, learn to keep friendship separate from their personal life. You have to draw the line. The erring spouses could have repented & changed their ways & you’re still bad mouthing them.

- Sometimes change means starting over. Don’t be afraid to do that. At times, you need to overhaul your life to see your steps ahead. So whatever you’re experiencing, don’t be afraid to start over. This time, you’re not starting from scratch but you’re starting from experience!

- It hurts badly now and you’re on the verge of giving up. You’re wondering if the Almighty is aware of what you’re going through. Never doubt that He’s All-Knowing, All-Seeing. Remember, you might be going through a lot of pain but it doesn’t mean the result won’t be beautiful!

- The truth is many of us spend a lot of time inside our own mind, overthinking, worrying about what’s to come, regretting past events & generally complaining about life. These cause stress & sap your energy. Train your mind to think positive. You’ll lead a more content life!

- On your darkest days, remind yourself how far you’ve come already. You have a lot to be thankful for and every reason to not stop but keep moving forward. Keep telling yourself you can do this because the Lord of the Worlds can make things happen anytime! Your turn will come.

- There’s purpose in your pain. Never doubt that. Think of all the lessons the Almighty has put forth from your pain. No matter how badly it hurts now, one day you’ll look back and realize that it changed your life for the better. So endure and you’ll emerge the better for it!

- Don’t worry about what people might say. You can’t stop them from talking, that’s the reality. What others think won’t stop the Almighty from doing what He needs to in your life. So don’t ever let the opinions of others hold you back! He has given you the capabilities. Use them!

- Beware the uncontrolled ego; it will self-obsess you until you can’t stop thinking about yourself! You’re preoccupied with your own life & circumstances; sparing little or no thought about others. It can be destructive & the consequences are normally dire. Drop the ego!

- Nothing is ever taken away except that something equal or better will come your way. So whatever you think is falling apart is actually being rearranged by the Almighty to give you what you ultimately want. Ultimately; not today, not even this week or a month but for a lifetime!

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